Welcome to Church Gresley Infant and Nursery School
Why choose our nursery?
We are proud to welcome you to our teacher led nursery. The teacher is supported by teaching assistants who have a NVQ Level 3 or equivalent qualifications. We provide excellent facilities in a large purpose built environment, which offers a spacious accommodation and a large outdoor area, in which children can learn, play, grow and explore.
Nursery as part of our school.
The nursery forms part of Church Gresley Infant and Nursery School and we work closely with the whole school. This enables children to feel part of the school community from a very early age. The early years departments of nursery and reception work closely together to ensure we offer a curriculum that allows progression from nursery through to reception, then into key stage 1. We plan our curriculum around the children’s needs and interests, we provide a curriculum which is flexible, ambitious, exciting and engaging to all children.
Our large outdoor area provides children with lots of opportunities to explore the natural world around them as well as helping them to develop their gross motor skills. We are well resourced with trikes, balance bikes, scooters, seesaws and climbing frames.
Within our nursery we ensure our five core values of: Independence, Resilience, Kindness, Respect and Honesty these are interwoven into all that we teach in the early years.
Play is a valuable tool in supporting and helping children to develop their self-esteem as well as their communication and language skills. We offer high quality resources to support their play and ensure all children are engaged with what we offer.
How we run our nursery:
Since September 2018 we have been providing 30 hours provision for those children whose parent qualify for the government funding. These children will attend all day from 8.35am to 3.25pm, we are able to offer flexible full days. We also offer part time places, morning sessions (8.25am – 11.35am) and afternoon sessions (12.20pm – 3.20pm). The children remain in the Nursery until the beginning of the autumn term of their fifth birthday, when they will transfer to full time education.
We ensure all children both full time and part time children are offered the same experiences and opportunities in the education they receive.
‘Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up’. (Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage: Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five).
Partnership with parents:
We pride ourselves on working alongside our parents in nursery. We believe parent partnerships are fundamental in supporting children with their development as they move through their education. By working together in partnership children see the link between home and nursery and it also helps us to see the child as a ‘whole’. We use the app ‘Seesaw’ where we share photographs and messages about your child’s progress in nursery and invite parents to share information about your child back via the app. You will be given regular updates on how your child is progressing and we very much have an open door policy where a member of staff will ensure they make time to talk to you on a one to one basis if you feel this is necessary.
We have regular open mornings where parents are invited to come into nursery to do some hands on learning with their children. These are very popular events and it is a great opportunity for parents to see what and how their children learn within our nursery setting.
Overarching Principles.
Four guiding principles should shape practice in early years settings.
These are:
• every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
• children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships
• children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time. Children benefit from a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.
• importance of learning and development. Children develop and learn at different rates. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
(Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage: Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five).
The Curriculum:
All children are unique and we recognise this when planning our curriculum within nursery. We closely plan with the reception teachers to ensure we have a curriculum which is progressive and allows children to develop their key skills as they move through the early years and will enable them to become independent and confident learners when they enter key stage 1. When delivering our curriculum, we ensure we offer a wide selection of literature to our children so they can begin their love of sharing and reading stories from a very early age. Developing children’s communication and language skill is also at the heart of all that we do and we pride ourselves on good quality interactions between practitioners and our nursery children.
The EYFS Framework:
There are seven areas of learning and development that help shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. None of the areas can be delivered isolated from the others. The seven areas are broken down into two areas: Prime and Specific.
There are three prime areas which are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and forming positive relationships.
The three prime areas are:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
We must also support children in four specific areas, through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.
The four specific areas are:
• literacy
• mathematics
• understanding the world
• expressive arts and design
The specific areas of learning provide children with a broad curriculum and with opportunities to strengthen and apply the prime areas of learning.
If you have any questions or queries about what we can offer you at our nursery, please do not hesitate to contact our school office. We welcome visits to our school nursery, you can see first-hand our wonderful nursery.