School policies cover every aspect of school life.
Church Gresley Infant's School policies are listed below, we also adopt John Taylor Multi Academy Trust policies and these can be found by clicking on the link.
JT MAT Policies Church Gresley Infant & Nursery School is now part of John Taylor MAT. As such we will adopt JTMAT policies which can be found via this link..
- Keeping_children_safe_in_education_2024 (1).pdf
- JTMAT Safeguarding Policy 2024 Draft 2.pdf
- CGINS School Specific Safeguarding Procedure 2024.pdf
- Approach to Private Fostering April 2022.pdf
- Children's safeguarding statement
- online-radicalisation-information-and-support.pdf
- how-to-make-a-prevent-referral.pdf
- After-school_clubs__community_activities_and_tuition_safeguarding_guidance_for_providers.pdf
- Working_together_to_safeguard_children_2023.pdf
- CGINS Online Safety procedure 2024-2025.pdf
School Policies and Procedures
- Accessibility Statement April 2022.pdf
- Administration of Medicines April 2022.pdf
- Admissions Procedure January 2024.pdf
- Behaviour Approach 2024.pdf
- CCTV Policy February 2024.pdf
- Equality, Information and Objectives April 2022.pdf
- Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy-2023.pdf
- Intimate Care Procedure April 2022.pdf
- Privacy-notice-for-school-nursery.pdf
- Schools Approach to Separated Parents April 2022.pdf
- School Charter letter.pdf
- School Charter 2023.pdf
- Teacher Pay Policy Oct 2018 .pdf
- CGI Approach to Feedback Sept 2024.pdf
- Charging Remissions policy September 2024.pdf
- Debt Nursery Additional Hours Beyond 30 September 2024.pdf